Sample Django application in pdf

In this tutorial we will make a sample Django application that uses all the basic Django components: Models, Views, Templates, Urls, Forms and the Admin site.

This tutorial will make use of the eclipse IDE, with the pydev extension installed. For a complete installation of python, django, sqlite and eclipse I gladly refer to google, covering this for each possible platform is out of scope. A basic installation with everything available is provided on the computers.

After completing this tutorial you should be familiar with the way django powered websites work.


Course, tutorial Summary Sample Django application

Course material to download for free on Sample Django application category Web programming.
This course is intended for a strictly personal use, the file is of format pdf level Beginner , the size of this file is 95.55 KB.

The site also offers courses in html & html5, css & css3, javascript, php, asp, j2ee, ajax, jquery, node.js, angularjs and many other tutorials. You have to come and see our Web programming. You will find your happiness without problem!

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